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The project Brhaddhvani has weighed the merits and limitations of both gurukula and institutions and has found an effective midpoint. Eschewing the inherent weaknesses in gurukula, it has developed a democratic way to imbibe its essence. It has developed a system of training which allows all to climb up the ladder of learning at his or her own pace. It has established a broader base to bring out excellence in any individual. Although the student cannot live with the teacher, they can work and learn when and for as long as they wish without any restrictions. Here the one-to-one relationship between the teacher and student is effective because the program is properly structured, and assessment is made periodically between initial performance status and subsequent progress that is made. Brhaddhvani thus offers a chance to study the effectiveness of both systems in a near ideal sense.


The quintessence of music education at Brhaddhvani is its insistence on developing a strong practical foundation in the universal principles of music. After the initial stages of fundamental training, the student has acquired the analytical skills to independently understand the complexities and nuances of Karnatak music. After this, learning from the master means simple and quick corrections. This brings a new process into self-learning techniques. Right from the beginning, the students open themselves to holistic listening at the macro level as well as detailed listening at the micro level. Holistic listening makes the students absorb the whole song over various stages of listening. This method not only helps a student within the culture but also goes beyond cultural boundaries to sensitize any student of music to the nuances of any musical system.


Depending on the needs and demands of the students, we support both online and in-person classes. Visit Online Music Education to know more.

Read below to know about our courses. 

If you want to join our classes, please apply using our online course application form.


Our vocal training is approached through an understanding of the fundamental practices of vina. Vocal students are required to complete the preliminary course in vina basics.


This course is for world musicians who are interested in learning the nuances of Karnatak music. 

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This course is for artists and students who are interested in understanding the relatedness of musical principles in all arts.

Minimum requirement: 

- Practical understanding of the fundamental principles in your primary art discipline. 

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